To go to Koh Chang I took the Sky train from Nana to Ekamai the eastern bus station in Bangkok. Bus 999 for Laemngop goes 7.45 and 9.45. I was glad I took the later because the first part of the trip to the bus station in Suvarnarhumi was twice as fast compared to the trip with into Bangkok E3 because we avoided the rush hour. From the airport the bus uses highway no 7 then goes east after
Jomtien to go in the direction of
Rayong. Here to landscape changes from the flatlands of the
Chao Phraya River and becomes more diverse with small hills and lots off forest and farms with fruit trees.
We made a short stop for some lunch at some place on Suhkumvit road. The next stop was the bus station in
Chanthaburi. It looks like a very nice town in a beautiful area with mountains (I do a thing about that later when I have talked with Jespe who loves to go there). Thought the end point of the bus was the pier it self but it was a ticket office. I didn’t understand the system and asked another falang how to get to the pier only 10 minutes walk to the pier the stupid said to the stupider. So I began to walk but was stopped by the bus driver off the small bus that goes to the central pier. When I got there I didn’t have a ticket but 100 bath got me on the rusty old ferry. It was windy and with the cloudy mountains off Koh Chang in the horizon the trip seemed very long. At the other pier I got in a
songthaew and by talking to a local expat I discovered that the place I had booked was not on white sand beach but the next one Kay Bay

(I thought that
K.B. Resorts was owned by a guy with the initials K.B). I was a nice ride where the local guy who have a diving shop here at Kay Bay talked to all the folks in the sowtaew in English, French and Thai and gave all sorts off helpful information about Koh Chang. It was actually the best intro to any place in Thailand I ever heard. I found my resort quickly I got my hut with a view to the ocean. I got something to eat and got rid of my blues on a very very nice beerbar “You and Me Bar” I spoke to a very nice Dutch lady and a very nice Thai lady (the mother off the funniest gay bar tender I ever see), she had worked in different holyday island, 10 years
Koh Samui and now 3 years on
Koh Chang but also on
Christians Ø off all places in the world. So I was drunk and happy when I gave Nit and Kikky a goodnight kiss.

to Kai Bai