Before I do em writeups and stuff i want to improve el blog so 2 things needs to be done. O I want to geotag and do ye tag cloud.
Tag cloud was easy this one how to make awesome tag cloud took care of that crumb.
I found these 3 nice blogs about Thailand
Thai Blogs
Good reading a lot to learn about thailand, thai culture and about blogging.
And yup if ya want a blog post with some umpf dig a train spotters trip report.
Thai Mass Transport Systems
And Guy in My Unseen Thailand geotag on google maps, that great.
First try did't work so i try the cut n'paste with an old map.
Yep that worked so now i will do a map relatet to the tag cloud.
Well this tuernd ugliy. Theres is no way to integrate My maps with blogger avoinding these anoing white baloons. I will try to be creative then using som colord areas and some favicons at www.iconj.com
I can transfer the maps to Google Earth and can group and sort them there but theres no way to make layers your self.
And arg. my tweaking with the template to make more room for the map bustet my favicon and the tag cloud so i had to redo that.
Now i will do a test map with some airports and a small post with a really old picture. But i am disapointet on the lack of integration between the google net apps.
4 ความคิดเห็น:
Hello. nice to meet you!
Same same
A bit of explanation on how to map the blog posts can be found on my other blog. While they now fixed the bug I mentioned there, to get a complete map I had to do some additional hacking with yahoo pipes.
Great tip, the posts got some geotags now. And great blog http://tambon.blogspot.com/ i see you like the same template as me.
I chose it 2 years ago because i looked most thai. (on that trip i coundt blog because i forgot to test blogger om my Windows Mobile device :( )